Quarter 3


To become more Christ-like is to walk more and more in love, which is to do more and more of that which Jesus would do.

The Blood Covenant

What do the primal tribes of Africa know about a blood covenant of which "civilized" peoples are ignorant? There is power in the blood!

The Name of Jesus

The Name of Jesus is backed by all the power in Heaven and Earth and has been given for use by the believer, who is acting as the ambassador of Christ.


Jesus took back all the power and authority Adam gave to satan and has delegated that authority to us, His church.

Commitment and Consecration

Jesus gave us His all. We should do no less for Him. Explore Biblical commitment and consecration and how that applies to our lives today.


In our patience we possess our soul. Discover how to become more patient in circumstances and to reap the benefits of resting in patience.


Diligence is consistent appropriate effort over time. It is an important spiritual force which ensures that we will receive from God the answers to our prayers and to every blessing.


Break the insidious noose of sin in your life as you identify satan's strongholds in your life through known and unknown sins.

Curses and Hindrances

When we sin, there are resulting curses which become hindrances to the blessings for which Jesus died. The Word of God shows us how to overcome sin and resulting curses and hindrances.


Don't allow unforgiveness to block your prayers. There is a process of forgiveness that sets you free!

Advanced Personal Evangelism

Bring the gospel to others as you minister in Spirit and in Truth. Be all things to all people so that you can meet them where they are at. We wrestle not against flesh and blood.